Train the Trainer Event: Promoting Health and Well-being through Physical Activity and Nutrition Co-ordinator (PANCo) in the Early Years

It was wonderful to meet such a passionate and energetic group of tutors delivering the PANCo unit at our recent  ‘Train the Trainer’ workshop in Cambridge.  We had a fantastic morning that could easily have been a day with tutors who the made the journey to Cambridge from FE colleges and training centres across the country, some as far as Portsmouth!

“Excellent session, lots of information and support, just wish it could have been all day”

Great to have a full workshop and a positive sign that so many tutors want to learn more about the The Cambridge Model and the new Physical Activity and Nutrition Co-ordinator (PANCo) role.

“We need to find more ways to work together to raise the profile of the PANCo and the important role the play in early settings”

We had a fun filled day that was packed with practical activities and lively debate and discussion around Physical Activity & Nutrition in the early years and the new and developing role of the PANCo. Feedback was extremely positive.

“I really enjoyed the PANCO training and networking day today with Linda and Faye. It was great to meet other tutors and assessors who are delivering the CACHE PANCo unit, my head is buzzing with all the information! I’m so excited to be a part of this, and looking forward to working with lots of practitioners who want to lead this in their settings. Fab day, thanks Linda and Faye”


A snapshot of the day

  • Lots of dialogue about The Cambridge Model and the new Physical Activity and Nutrition Co-ordinator (PANCo) role and how we can support learners in this new role.
  • Sharing current best practice, national evidence based resources and sources of information on physical activity and nutrition for children under five.
  • Engaging in practical activities to support learners in implementing a whole settings approach to nutrition and physical activity

A big thank you to all who attended the workshop, it was a fantastic opportunity to share what’s happening in so many different regions. Faye and I also left buzzing with so many ideas – between us all we now just need to keep building the momentum of the new PANCo role so that we can make health and wellbeing a priority!


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